In Her Own Words

Jeannette Folan

Emapths & Beyond - The Blog/Newsletter

HSPs & Empaths share their top six strategies!

how it brought deeper awareness to my empath journey

Activities to raise your energy and help your soul evolve

These facts can help decrease anxiety

It's all part of the process, but...

Learning to nurture your inner-wisdom

Becoming aware how darkness and light are always inviting us in.

This little ritual has a BIG impact

and notice how your perspective and energy shift

What you can do to stay behind the wheel

Getting past the right, wrong, hurts, anger and need to forgive

Learning to See the God in Everyone ... how I discovered Oneness

Effective methods to stop rehashing emotional blunders

How is your holiday attitude affecting you as an empath?

Some powerful wisdom on how to meet your personal ~ spiritual commitment

A valuable lesson and tips about self-care

Learn some simple techniques to shift from judgement to acceptance

Develop your HSP/empath mind-body connection skills

How well do you know yourself? Take the self-assessment.

Expose yourself to the power in this "Get Naked" exercise for HSP/empaths

Potty Training - while you're there, why not flush the blocked energy from your system?

HSPs & Empaths - fabricate the effects of summer with these fun activities

Step into the lighter side of being sensitive

Believe it or not, your BFF is still out there (or in there)...

An exploration on what constitutes forgiveness in our lives

Can water wash away anxiety? Yes! And it can even do more...

Identifying your energy thieves is the first step to determining which safeguards you need to utilize

These 'power up' energy exercises will boost your joy and light

Your empath cocoon is ready (and needs to) transform!

A brief description and benefits of learning energy medicine

A four minute video to help prepare you for the upcoming empath exercises

Learn which empath traits might be affecting the quality of your life the most

Is there evidence defining the difference between a highly sensitive person (HSP) and an empath?

Incorporate Jenny's Self-Love routine into your own daily life!

Learn three new exercises to protect you from energy thieves

Copyright © 2023 Jeannette Folan