
For HSPs/Empaths

Six Steps to Igniting Your Spiritual Magic

HSPs & Empaths share their top six strategies!

If you live with one foot in the spiritual realm, as many HSPs/empaths do, you've probably had many 'magical' experiences — divine synchronicities, spontaneous healings, connection with spirit entities, manifestations and beyond.

One of my magical, memorable experiences happened when I went home to Illinois for Thanksgiving and took a walk with my sister through the forest. I was sharing with her some of the magic that happened to me that year. I remember saying, "This world is so much more magical than we ever dreamed!" A few steps later, we stopped and looked out across a small clearing, noticing something hanging from the barren branches of a tree. When we got to the tree, we stood there shaking our heads and getting goose bumps all over. It was an angel — an antique ornament hanging on a tree in middle of the woods.

Generally speaking, we don't have a lot of control over magical experiences like that. Or do we?

I spent the last year tracking my magical moments and asking other HSP/empaths if anything specific helped to ignite their spiritual magic. These six factors were the most commonly shared:

Download the "Ignite Your Spiritual Magic" worksheet

(and other complimentary material to brighten your light!)

Jeannette Folan
Jeannette is the author of the novel "Diary of a Teenage Empath" and two HSP/Empath workbooks for children & teens. She is an Integrative Mental Health Coach who developed the first-ever accredited HSP training program for mental health professionals. She leads an HSP community group in Halifax and advocates for HSPs in the mental health community.
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Copyright © 2023 Jeannette Folan