
For HSPs/Empaths

Getting Back to Basics

Activities to raise your energy and help your soul evolve

The last half of 2021 seemed to be only backward steps for me.  There were a few glitches with my physical health, my mental and emotional well-being suffered, and I realized I was engaging in 'spiritual cutting' (a topic I'll share in the next mailing).

I knew that even if all the wise and wonderful sages I follow proclaimed that 2022 would be a year of great change, abundance and expansion, I still play a vital role in making those things happen in my life. If I continued as I was, not much good would come from 2022.

It was time to get back to basics! 

For me, getting back to basics means that from sun up to lights out, I follow a plan — prepared with loving intention  — to elevate my vibration in every aspect of my being. Here are glimpses of my ritual that I hope inspire you in 2022:

  • Welcoming the day in gratitude - each morning, I pick something to focus on (the birds out my window, my comfortable bed, my dog, my health) and I allow myself to fully submerge in the vibration of gratitude - as if the thing I'm grateful for has just returned to me after a long absence. Gives me tingles!
  • 10-minute morning energy routine - a combination of meridian clearing and balancing, breathwork, grounding, yoga, and strengthening the biofield.
  • Healthy meals, vitamins, water (found this free app that keeps me aware of my intake).
  • Namaste every person I meet - whether I'm on a Zoom meeting, in the grocery store or with friends, I make a point of looking people in the eyes and silently saying 'Namaste'. 
  • Nature mantra - even on bitter cold days, I will step outside, breathe deeply, touch the snow, a tree branch or raise my head to the sky and say, "I am open to receiving the healing power of the earth."
  • Yoga followed by 10-min seated meditation - this Jivamuki yoga instructor is wonderful and offers by-donation Zoom  classes every Wednesday at 5pm Eastern.
  • Heart meditation - the awakening journey is all about heart energy. A guided meditation to open the heart can quickly shift to vibrations of love and peace.

To help me stay on track of my mind-body-spirit wellness practice, I created this worksheet. (free to download)

Jeannette Folan
Jeannette is the author of the novel "Diary of a Teenage Empath" and two HSP/Empath workbooks for children & teens. She is an Integrative Mental Health Coach who developed the first-ever accredited HSP training program for mental health professionals. She leads an HSP community group in Halifax and advocates for HSPs in the mental health community.
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Copyright © 2023 Jeannette Folan