Morning Energy Routine

An incredible day starts with 10-minutes


The Incredible 10-Minute Morning Energy Routine

This 25-page guide takes you through 14 exercises (plus a bonus exercise for the end of your day) to help jump-start your mental focus, ignite physical stamina & strength, emotional confidence, and energy flow and balance.

These exercises are selected specifically for HSPs/empaths to help increase awareness, energy boundaries, and resilience. And there's no need for a yoga mat, props or headgear — you can do this 10-minute energy routine while waking in bed and putting your feet on the floor.

The guidebook's layout is super mobile-friendly. The steps for each exercise and how-to drawings are easy to read on any device with minimum scrolling required.

...or purchase the Morning & Evening Energy Routine together!

An additional 13 practices demonstrate how to "reset" your energy system so you can get a deeper, more restorative night's sleep. These exercises can also help balance hormones, boost your intuition, deepen your connection to self and spirit, and tap into the collective consciousness.

Like all of the digital guidebooks, this combo booklet has easy to follow step-by-step instructions with illustrations. It's compatible with all devices and has large font text and optimized page layouts for easy reading and minimal scrolling on mobile devices.

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Energy Skills for HSP / Empath Teens

Learn the science behind an HSP's identity, boredom, isolation, body language and more — and techniques to flourish with your sensitivity.

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Discovering the Power of Sensitivity

An activity book for (parents of) HSP kids to learn how their sensitivity relates to the energy around them and how to work with it in harmony.

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Evening Energy Routine for HSPs & Empaths

Includes practices to help balance hormones, boost your intuition, deepen your connection to self and spirit, and tap into the collective consciousness.

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Copyright © 2024 Jeannette Folan